Online Buyers
The globalisation has had a tremendous effect on the global Business to Customer (B2C) market. The predictions are that the cross borders shopping will triple up by 2020 as more and more people uses the internet to buy the products that they need. Currently, the United States “supplies” around a quarter of all worldwide online shoppers, perhaps because the high standard, perhaps because of the advanced technical environment or the overall values of the population.
In order to take advantage of the rapidly developing market, you should be considering where the buyers come from; how they find the products they are looking for as well as what makes them buy.
Finding the Retailer
The customer usually begins his online shopping through a string search in a search engine. Obviously, Google is the most popular one worldwide, but Russia has Yandex, while China has Baidu, both of which should be taken seriously when going for that particular market. The customer usually aims for a specific retailer based on the personal recommendations of a friend or based on stable customer review online.
The most important factor, when deciding whether or not to buy from you would be the availability for a free or fast delivery. Sending a parcel to Germany from UK via a service of DHL would be a fast solution, but an expensive one. The second most important factor would obviously be the product’s price. If your competitors offer much lower prices, regardless of the personal recommendations of relatives or friends, the buyer would go to a different retailer. Other things to consider are the option to track the shipment.
All that being said, it is important to note that the cultural difference is huge when it comes to defining a “fast” delivery. While some places expect a delivery within the week, others are used to waiting two weeks and would still experience the same level of satisfaction. Meaning that you could send the parcel to Germany from UK through a company different than DHL at a cheaper price, but slower and still expect the customer to be satisfied.
The Most Popular Countries
It is important to note the geographical factors. Obviously, European customers would be much more inclined to buy from the inner European market, instead of purchasing items from Japan for example. That is quite normal, considering there would be no additional taxes and the delivery time would be much shorter. The most popular country from which Europeans purchase goods is Denmark followed by the United Kingdom. The United States and China are still the most preferred countries to buy from, on a global note as well as adding Germany to the list when it comes to which nation’s citizens purchase the most items online on an annual basis.
At the opposite side of the coin, you have Russians and Mexicans, that only buy around six items averagely per year, compared to a range of twenty to thirty for Americans and Germans.