Mentor your staff

Mentor your staff

As a company grows, the processes in it start washing up, and it is hard to keep the in-house procedures steady. The work flow might even be interrupted due to the lack of new staff. Considering all of that it should be noted that as a company grows, it should also constantly hire new qualified people, in order for it to move forward and continue its growth.


All of this is much easier said than done. Often people have trouble starting at a new place, they would have to get up to date with the all of the procedures in their new working environment a get to know the overall way the company conducts its business. This is where mentoring programs come into play. A decent amount of studies show that more than 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies offer some sort of a corporate, mentoring program for its employees.

Whether the goal is to develop high-potential employees, speed up the new hire on- boarding process, increase employee retention or knowledge transfer, the types of mentoring programs are seemingly endless – and so are the benefits.

A Win-Win Situation

Another study shows that the mentoring programs boost the retention rate of the people participating in them by an average of twenty-three percent. On one side you have the employee who is taught new things, allowing himself to raise his qualifications steadily over time, an opportunity that not many companies offer. On the other hand, you have the employer. The man in goal of the employer is to optimise his profit. In order to do so, though, he needs well trained personnel which optimise the working processes of the company, in order to minimise the risks and mistakes while increasing the productivity and this is how the mentoring program would help. For example, sending a parcel to Switzerland through FedEx might be easy, but the processes that stand before that are a completely a different thing, hence, it is very important that at the service personnel who is the first point of contact with the customer is trained & mentored well.

Main Key Points of a Mentoring Program

As a whole a mentoring program should include the following things:

  • Improving the knowledge of the technical aspects in all areas of the company’s business, especially the one related to the person’s own career development

  • Improving the understanding of the person regarding the organisational and management processes conducted in the firm, including the cultural factors

  • Developing a mindset which allows the individual to view and tackle new problems through a variety of different perspectives, in order to find solutions

  • Allow the individual to pinpoint and acknowledge the mistakes he does in his work, in order to improve himself and develop faster professionally, resulting into higher efficient rates for the company

In all honesty, a staff member wouldn’t only grow because of a mentoring program, especially if he has no desire for that, however adopting that into your company’s policy will not only raise the overall qualification for the majority of your employees but also allow you to find out who simply won’t cut it.


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